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There Are Consequences For Gang Stalking, Slander, Blasphemy CIA jinnifer maggot miller time is up

Updated: Oct 12, 2023

this lesson is not just about these evil wicked gang stalkers this lesson is about the new phase we have entered and just a few tips on inner working how gematria database operates and how higher sources use this database to communicate important messages to humanity in real time

Bible says PROVE ALL THINGS - TODAY I will show you proof the database is living active and working in real time connected to the conscienceness of humanity

Lions of Israel Forum- Daily Updates

quickest way to raise your vibration - read the daily post

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I Am Activating All Seven Pentacles Of Saturn And The Final Pentacle Of The Red King Above Los Angeles San Diego And San Francisco And Sealing All Souls Inside Permanently In Real Life

Why would abba Yah allow this type of gang stalking, slander, abuse, blasphemy bald face lies, Defamation of Character to go for so long effecting so many people .........

Shelly G Maggot Parasite Mullinax Aka Jinniy Maggot Mullet From Ga Had Cooked Alive A Young Boy And Ate Him God (this post came into database on 7/30/2023 ...)(I will personally pay for full investigation into this claim)

actual screenshot from the email


(this is one of my many gang stalkers from ..)

post from the stalker jinnifer maggot miller who most likely is a cia agent from Ohio and she knows Mark is king David reborn .... satan is trying to get one of his hags in as future queen ...... time is almost up for the devils and their desperation is showing big time now

Jinniy Maggot Is Not Wife Of Christ This Crazy Lady Has Been Stalking Mark Everyday For Over One Year close to two years now saying She Is My Future Wife She Knows I Am King David Reborn She Is Cia is my guess

Jenny Is Condemned To The Lake Of Fire For Pretending To Be The bride In Jesus Name (I did not make the post) (I Told This Obsessed Stalker She Was Not my bride but she does not listen)

I have never made any agreements with this lady or spoke to lady via phone or voice or video chat and never met this lady in person

(keep in mind jinnifer maggot is cheating using a special code generating script most likely from the c i a to target certain numbers in database mostly 222 333 444 555 666 777 888 and 1998 333 ....................... and the numbers of her own name

1500 1998 333

Mark A King Has Lied About His Own Wife (this psychopath I have never met or spoke to is calling herself my wife)

Mark King Is Never To Hide The Real Name Of The Bride Of Christ God

Mark A King He Realizing He Does Not Get To Pick The Bride For I God

God Yeshuas Being Mad At Mark Alan King For Lying Be About The Bride

God Condemned Mark Alan King To Lake Of Fire For Lying

I God Condemning He Mark A King For Lying

God Condemns Mark A King It For Lying

Yeshua Is Threatening To Send Mark Alan King To Hell For A Lie

I God Condemned Mark King

Mark King Stole The Identity Of The Divine Child

Bride Of God Christ Making Mark King Look Like A Idiot For Lying

Mark King On Bad Side Of I God Cause He Lied About I The Bride

Yeshua Is Very Angry Mark Alan King Disrespected His Bride

Mark King Accused I Bride Of Christ Be Of What He Has Done

Qri Maq Hired By Father God And Mark Alan King Hired By C I A (another one who I was actually supportive of turns out to be another woman rat)(she sent a email and apologized so I forgive her but I do not forget and the trust is broken and gone)

(this is why gematria in the wrong hands is very dangerous once a lie is set into motion others will pick up the lie and run with it as if it is true)

I Mark King Am In Trouble With God For Trying To Hide Truth From Bride Of Christ

Mark Alan King Needing To Stop Hiding From The Christ Bride

Bride Of Christ Knew I He Mark King Lied About Her Death K (this is false and pure rubbish - I never once said this stalker is dead)

I Jinnifer Maggot Miller Is Not Obsessed With He Mark Alan King

I Mark King Am Foolish Man Lied About Bride Of Christ

Delievering Mark Alan King Be From A Demon

Mark Alan King He Obssesses With Lie

God Yeshua Giving I Mark Alan King Chance To Confess

Mark Alan King Is Lying Be Hypocrite

I Mark Alan King Is Needing Taught Valuable Lesson

God Knowing For Fact He Mark King Lies About Jen M M

God Yeshua Is Teaching Mark King Valuable Lesson

I Knowing Mark A King Is A Lying Snake

Elect Knowing Mark A King Lies About Yeshua Bride

Yeshua Told Her Jen M M Mark A King Lying About The Brides Death

Mark Alan King Tells Most Ridiculous Lies About I God Bride

Lot Of People Die Cause I Mark A King Lies K

Mark Alan King Is The King Of All Crackheads (remember this post - I have never smoked crack in my life)

Mark King Being Sent To Hell For The Lie He Told About Gods Bride

Innocent Children Have Died Cause He Mark Alan King Lies

I Mark Alan King A Foolish Man Ignoring Yeshua Bride

I God Am Condemning Him Mark A King To Hell K

Mark A King Pretending To Not Know It The Bride

I God Am Condemning Him Mark King To Hell

Jinnifer Maggot Miller Not Being Condemned To Hell Jc

Her Mother Curse Her Is Cause Of Her Jealousy (post from today making excuses now she is caught in all her lies and slander) (444)

Stuck Because I Mark King Lies About Yeshua Bride

C I A Has Hired Mark Alan King To Lie To Us

The Heir To The Throne Mary Magdalenes Jinnifer Maggot Miller

Mark A King Is C I A Employee

Mark King Repairs The Relationship With I God

The Bride Of Yeshua Has Proven That Mark Alan King Is Wrong

Mark A King Tried To Decide For I Yeshua

I God Yeshua Picking The Bride It Not Mark Alan King

Mark A King Lose His Soul By Lying

Bride Of God Yeshua Is Proving That He Mark Alan King Owes Her An Apology

I Mark King Am On A Bad Terms Is With God

I Mark Alan King Apologize To The Bride

Mark A King Proves To I Gods Bride Hes A Liar And A Jerk

Conclusion Is Made Mark King Is A Jerk

Mark A King He Isnt On Good Terms With Yeshua

Mark Alan King Being A Scammer He Is No King

I Mark King Wasted Our Time Lying

Mark King He Is Still Lying To I Bride Of Christ

Mark Alan King Isnt Choosing Bride Of Christ For God Yeshua K

Mark Alan King Has Been Lying To The Bride Of Yeshua

Only Way Happens For Mark King Is He Admit He Lie

God Yeshua He Isnt Using Mark Alan Kings Vessel Cause He Lied

I God Jc Not Using Mark Kings Vessel Cause He Lied

Mark King Is A Foolish Man Who Is Thinking He Is Knowin Better Than I God

Mark A King Needing To Change Ugly Heart

Mark King Scared Cause Hes Liar Not Because Hes Shy

Mark Alan King Confessing Lie About Bride Of Christ

I Mark King Doubted The Bride Of Christ

Mark Alan King Needing To Understand It That Hes Not The One Choosing Bride Of Christ

Only Way It Is Happening For Mark Alan King Is He Admit He Lied K

Mark Alan King Is Having Terrible Taste In Woman

Mark Alan King He Making False Accusations Against Bride Of Christ

Mark Alan King Lied Cause He Is Jealous Of The Bride K God

Bride Of Christ Is Praying That Mark A King Stops Lying K

I Mark Alan King Being Green With Envy

Mark A King He Foolishly Tried Sending Bride Of Christ To Hell

Mark King Is Lying Like He Is A Moron

People Sufferin Is Cause Of Mark Alan King Lying

He Knowing Mark Alan King Is Smart Man Who Told Moronic Lie

Mark King Hid From Her Like Hes A Coward K

Mark Alan King Apologizing For His Morinic Lies

People Died It Because Mark Alan King Lies

Soul Of Mark Alan King Be On The Line

Mark Alan King Should Be Thanking Bride Of Christ God

Mark Alan King Needs To Tell Jinnifer Mggot Miller A Thank You

The People Die Because Mark Alan King Lies

God He Is Holding Mark King Responsible For Brides Suffering

Yeshua He Very Angry At Mark A King

God Feels Angry At I Mark A King For Turning His Real Bride Away

Mark A King Is Denying I Am Gods Real Bride

Mark A King Is Knowing I God Yeshua Am Mad Cause He Lied

Mark Alan King Being In Big Trouble For Hiding Bride Name

I Mark A King Am Being In Big Trouble For Being Deceptive

Mark King Ignores God Yeshuas Bride

Mark Alan King Is Failing To Show The Bride Of Yeshua Respect

A Liar And The Dumbest Man On The Planet

Mark King He Has Been A Bad Example Of Christ

Mark Alan King He Turns His Back On I Bride Of Christ

Mark King Does Not Care About The Bride

Mark King Is Paid By The C I A (devils and serpents accuse people of what they are gulity of doing)

Mark A King Is Pretendin To Hate The C I A

Mark Alan King Disobeying God Yeshua By Keeping Books From The Divine Child

It Is Not Being Game Mark Alan King Give Book Back To Bride Of Christ

Mark Alan King Lying Making Him An Enemey Of Christ

Mark Alan King He Has Turned Divine Child Of God Jc Away

Mark A King Is Giving His Confession To I God Bride

Not Mark A Kings Place To Reject I Bride

Mark King Is Foolishly Thinking He Gets To Pick I Gods Bride

Mark A King Lied He Making Himself Look Like A Retard

The Bride Of God Yeshua Doesnt Want Mark Alan King

Is One Hundred Percent Certain Mark Alan King Lies

Mark A King He Fails Test God Giving Him

The Liar And Coward Is Being Mark Alan King

The Bride Of Christ Finds Mark Alan King

The Bride Of Christ Is Confronting Mark Alan King

Bride Of Christ Finding Mark A King Is A Lying Coward

Mark A King Finds Himself Is On The Bad Side Of I The Bride

Mark A King He Foolishly Told I The Bride Of Christ To Go Away

Mark King Hasnt Received Approval Of God Yeshua

Mark King Should Of Listened To God

Mark King He Rejecting I Yeshuas Bride

Mark Alan King Is Forgetting Yeshua Is In Charge K

Like A Retard Mark A King Told The Bride God To Go Away

It Absolute Fact Mark King Is A Liar God

Is No Way For Mark A King To Weasel Out Of Admittin He Lies

Mark King The Biggest Retard On Earth

Mark A King Needing To Listen To I Gods Prophet

I Mark A King Guilty Of Hiding Christ Bride Real Name

Mark King He Is Not Making God Decision

I Mark A King Is To Return The Book

I Mark King Illegally Holding The Book

Mark Alan King Needs Only Abba Yah And The Holy Spirit

Mark Alan King The Enemy Of God Yeshua

Mark Alan King He Is Lying And Screwing Up His Chance

Bride Of Christ Being Accused Of What He Mark Alan King Did

Mark Kings Stalking Like He A Psycho

I Mark King Ignoring Bride Of Christ For To Long

Longer Mark Alan King Ignores Bride Of Christ Angrier God Gets

Gods Bride Know Mark King Stalked Her

Mark Alan King Needs To Stop Hiding From The Bride Of Christ

Mark A King Treats Bride Like She Does Not Exist

Mark Alan King Is Ignorin The Real Bride

The Bride Of Christ Tries To Help Mark Alan King But He Tells Her Go Away K

The Bride Of Christ Is Not Wanting He Mark King To Be Vessel

Mark King He Has Been T E R R I B L E To The Bride Of Christ

Christ Bride Not Bein Fan Of He Mark King K

Mark Alan King Hes Needing To Change Brides Mind

Mark K He Rejecting Bride

I Mark King Am Being Phony

I Mark King Stalkin Jen

I Mark A Stalked The Bride

I Mark Alan King Stalked Jinnifer Maggot M

Mark Alan King He Stalked Bride Of Christ

Mark Kings Stalking Like He A Psycho

Mark Alan King He Stalked Yeshuas Bride

Mark King Ignorin The Bride Of Christ And Is Failing

I Mark King Failing Without Bride Of Christ Help

Mark Alan King Is Foolishly Calling The Bride Of Christ A Disgrace

I Mark King Am Calling Her The Bride Disgrace

Mark A King Faces The Fact He Lies About I Bride Of Christ

Mark Alan King Owes A Good Explanation To Bride Of I God Yeshua

The Bride Of God Making I Mark Alan King Look Like An Idiot For Lyin

Mark King Lost Because He Lied

Mark Alan King Lost Because Hes Lying

Mary Magdalene Comes Back As Being Jinnifer Maggot Miller

Elect Of God Yeshua Knowing Mark A King Is Lying

Yehowah He Will Send Mark King To Hell For Lying About Bride

Mark A King Be Accountable For Talking Shit And Lying

I Mark A King Is Being Best Friends With The Devils

C I A Has Been Using Mark A King Is To Keep The Books From The Bride Of God Yeshua

Mark A King Has Been Lying To Elect Of God

Mark Alan King Attacking Real Divine Child

Mark Alan King The Enemy Of God Yeshua

The C I A Paid Mark A King Off To Lie

Bride Of Christ Is Indeed A Jennifer Marie

Bride Of Yeshua Knows That Mark A King Lies Is About Her Death

Mark Alan King He Is Gang Stalking The Bride Of Christ

I Mark King Ignoring Bride Of Christ For To Long

Longer Mark Alan King Ignores Bride Of Christ Angrier God Gets

Yeshua Forgiving Mark A King When He Says Hes Sorry To Her Jennifer

Mark A King He Is Telling The Divine Child To Go Away (so how am a stalker?)

Mark Alan King Emailed The Bride Of Christ And Tells Her To Go Away (so how am a stalker?)

Mark King Emails The Bride Of Christ Telling Her To Go Away God (so how am a stalker?)

Mark A King He Mistaking Himself For The Divine Child (says this after calling me Jesus Christ retuned via email)

Mark A King Marked For Hell For His Crimes Against Me

I Mark Alan King Tried Robbing Jinnifer Maggot M Of Her Birthright

When Bride Of Christ Went To Mark King For Help He Tells Her To Go Away

Mark A King He Is Threatening The Bride Of God Yeshua

Mark King He Not Be Chosen Cause He Doesnt Show The Love Of God

Mark A King Hurting Gods People With His Lie God

God Yeshua Is Demanding Mark Alan King Admit He Lie

She Helped Mark Alan King Stay Out Of Fiery Pit

Mark King He Foolishly Testing The Living God

Mark King He Is Hateful He Cant Be Christ

Mark King Accuses I Bride Of Christ Of Stalking Him

Mark Alan King He Is Being Condemned To Hell For Lying About God Yeshuas Bride

Prophet Of God Yeshua Warns Mark King To Stop Lying

Mark King Is In Serious Trouble For Lying About Her Bride Of Christ

Mark A King Blasphemies The Holy Spirit Committing A Unforgivable Sin Against His God Yeshua

Mark Alan King Is Being A Disgrace To Yeshua Cause He Is Not Showing The Love Of Christ

Mark Alan King Has Sided With Satan

I Mark A King Hurt The Elect By Lying

Mark A King Is Not Getting Away With His Lie About I The Bride

Mark A King Sent Hell Lied About God Bride

Mark King Helping The Devils And Satan

I Mark King Acts Like A Douchebag To The Bride Of Christ

Satan Likes Attaching To My Numbers So Does Mark Alan King Satans Litte Minion

Absolute Fact I Mark A King Lied

Name Of True Love M K

Queen B G Jen K

Mark A King Stalkin Bride Like A Psycho

Mark Alan Kings Been Stalking Bride Like Hes A Psycho

Mark Alan King Being A Scammer He Is No King

Bride Of Christ Is Angry That I Mark Alan King Lies

People Sufferin Is Cause Of Mark Alan King Lying

Mark A King Is Responsible For Screw Up K

God He Is Holding Mark King Responsible For Brides Suffering

The People Die Because Mark Alan King Lies

People Died It Because Mark Alan King Lies

People Die Cause Mark A King Lied

Mark King Being The Cause Of Christ Bride Suffering

The Heir To The Throne Mary Magdalenes Jennifer Marie Miller

Mark Alan King Rejects Vessel Of Bride

Mark Alan King Disobeyed God Keeping The Books From Christ Bride

C Prophets Are Named Mark Alan King Jennifer Marie M K

Knowing For A Fact Mark Alan King Has Lie

Mark Alan King Repent For Lying K God

Mark King Humbling Himself He Admitting That He Lied

Mark Alan King Required To Tell Her The Truth

Only If Mark Alan King Is Honest K

Mark Alan King Repent For Lying K God

Mark Alan King Required By Yeshua To Tell The Truth

Mark Alan King Repent For Lying K God

Mark Alan King Required By Yeshua To Tell The Truth

Exposing Mark Kings Lie K

Exposing Mark King Lies K

Exposin His Lies Jc

Mark King Be Exposed He Lied

Hurtin Wife With Lies K (psychopath calling herself my wife)

He Hurt His Own Wife K

Mark A K Should Not Have Lied

Mark A King Is Be Evil Man

He Mark Alan King Is Being Evil K

Mark Alan King Is Being Evil K Jc

Being Paid Scam (I have not been paid one penny for my work and higher sources say many people are stealing my work and not giving me credit)

Being Paid Scam

He Is Being Paid

I Being Paid Scam

Cheat And Lies K (calling me a liar and cheat because do not accept her as my wife .... this is one sick lady)

Be A Lying Cheat

Mark Alan King He Sayin Lies K

He Being Defeated K (this post says it all and tells you she is team satan)

Retract Lie M A K

Mark King Removing His Lie

I Am Being So Fucking Smart Jc

Mark A King Told Lie After Lie K

Kicking His Ass K Jc

Need Ass Kick K

Be Kicking His Ass K God Jc

Burstin Bubble K

I Be A Down Man K

I A Brick Wall K

Be Smarter K

Hes In Cabal Club

Being In The Cabal

Decode The Queens Name Jc

The Queen Name Is Decoded

The Cold Hard Truth K

I Catch Be In A Lie K

Knowing How To Treat K

Be Pregnant And Bare Child Jc (tells her plan right here)

Stop Bein A Coward Mark King

Mark King Stopped Bein Liar

I Deserve To Be Punched In Face K

M A K Stealing Her Identity

Am Stealing Her Identity K

I God Send Mark King To Hell If He Doesnt Admit He Lied

Mark Alan Kings Plans To Lie Saying I God Bride Is Dead

Bein Pathetic

Punchin A Face K

Is Trainin The Animal

A Animal Be Tamed

A Animal Be Tamed K

A Animal Be Tamed K

Be A Tamed Animal K

Be A Tamed Animal

Is Lord Lady Christ

I Lord And Lady Christ

Shes Lady Christ God

Being Be The Lady Christ

I Mark A King Hid Real Bride Of Christ Codes

She Is Lady Christ

I Mark King Is Being A World C La S S Fool



This is Higher Sources speaking about jinniy maggot miller in database not Mark words or post - after 2 years of lies abuse blasphemy slander and bald face lies Higher Sources step in .......

Bible says PROVE ALL THINGS - TODAY I will show you proof the database is living active and working in real time connected to the consciousness of humanity

God gave jinniy maggot miller many warnings and she did not listen .........

Fraudy Pants A Shelly Ambra G M Is Condemned To The Lake Of Fire For Pretending To Be The Bride In Jesus Name

Shelly Ambra G M Will Be Known For Her Disrespectful Words And Slander Of Yeshua Christ Reborn A M

Shellys Psychotic Drive And Ambition Is In The Service Of Her Delusion Of Grandeur

Shelly Ambra Gray Mullinax And Her Followers Arent Allowed In The Kingdom Jesus Mary Magdalene

Maggot Parasite Shelly Ambra G Is Just N P C No Royal Blood Not Wife Of Christ B Jr C

GOD speaking below giving strong rebuke to jinniy maggot for speaking in GOD name


newer post


Install Shelly A G M Soul Shall Be Dissolved Into Nothing And Forgotten J

Shelly A G M Soul Shall Be Dissolved Into Nothing And Forgotten J

Lying Fat B I T C H Shelly A G Maggot Is A Demon Not A Bride Of Christ A

A Lying Fat B I T C H Shelly A G Maggot Is A Demon Not A Bride Of Christ

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