I have wanted, and have been trying to wake people up to the TRUTH and I could probably show them this ......yet another
COINCIDENCE .....HEY if you type in my name it says : The Dome of the Flat Earth Revealed in Antarctica and that it was Removed from the Encyclopedia Americana 1957 edition I think it is...And they still are just Programmed and they still CAN NOT brake free from the MATRIX.
I thought I would share a few photos from the other night with you only friends I have never met...LOL True Story I'm like the Conspiracy Music Guru when he says he can't open his mouth he loses all his friends and everyone thinks he's crazy. So Mote It Be!
And yes I can relate to Planes overhead probably stealing my data searches - pics whatever and had 3 Choppers dive bomb my house a few weeks about the time when my Prophesy Journey and Knowledge obtainment kicked into overdrive.
Even came to find out that some so called FRIENDS were Satan's Transgendered Minions that He woke me up to. Now I can see them everywhere but of course my Family Can't see anything and My Postman- whose about 62 is the only one in my World who believes me and thanks me for sending him Info. Those with The Holy Spirit....
Anyway. The Most high told me to buy a Nikon P1000 and for those with Eyes to SEE.....
I showed this to my 16, soon to be 17 year old Son this photo and just asked him to describe it for me. Not a trick question. I just said, hey I got this new Camera, lenses, etc what do you see? He said it was a picture of the SUN and descried the Blue Sky background, trees and clouds.
Of course this is the MOON last Friday night about 10:30 to 11pm Central Time. How is there BLUE SKY if it just goes BLACK into
'SPACE?' There are 2 stars in the sky and how can there be shadows of the clouds UNLESS there is a 'Green Screen" if you will
Expanse, FIRMAMENT , DOME behind it??!!?
Again- For those with Eyes to See and Ears to Hear ....

Have a Blessed Evening!